Section 1


Article I: The name of this organization shall be the Southern Illinois Adult Soccer League and it will be known as the SIASL for all purposes hereinafter set forth.
Article II: The purpose of the SIASL is to promote, foster and advance the cause of Adult soccer in Southern Illinois.
Article III: The headquarters for the SIASL shall be in the city of Marion, Illinois.
Article IV: The SIASL shall represent all members in the area from Mt. Vernon south.
Article V: The fiscal year of the SIASL shall start on the first day of September and end on the last day of August in the next calendar year.
Article VI: Membership shall be open to any adult over 17 (by the start of each soccer season), regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Board.
Article VII: The SIASL shall be governed by a Board of Directors to consist of:
    Vice President
    Disciplinary Director
    Women's Affairs
    Most Recent Past President
Article VIII: The SIASL shall affiliate with the Illinois State Soccer Association (ISSA) and through it with the United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA) and the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).
Article IX: This Constitution and By-Laws may only be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Directors. No amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be considered by the SIASL which is not consistent with the rules and regulations of the ISSA, USASA, USSF and FIFA. If such a rule is inadvertently adopted, it shall be declared null and void by the President at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
Section 2


Article I: Beginning in Spring 2006, each team is required to select one member of their team to participate on the Board. Selection of this representative must occur prior to the final game and is effective July 1st of that year. Each team may select their team representative by whatever method they choose and will inform the Board President of this selection immediately. Each representative will serve for a full year which will include the Fall and Spring seasons. If for some reason a Board member cannot serve the full year, the team will replace him/her immediately with a new team representative.

At the first meeting in July of each year, the former Board President shall assist the new Board in determining who will serve as President. Once this has been agreed upon, the new Board President will officially take over and facilitate filling the other Board positions.

The officers may succeed themselves once in the same office, however, there is no limit on the number of other positions each Officer may hold. Officers shall be eligible for re-election to any position after one year's absence from that position.

The Board may declare vacant the office of any Board Member absent without cause from 3 consecutive meetings of the Board or a Board Member who decides to resign his/her position prior to the expiration of their term. In the event a vacancy is declared, the Board will require the appropriate team to fill the vacancy within 30 days.

Article II: Responsibilities for the Board members:


  • Set date for all monthly Board meetings
  • Prepare an agenda for each meeting and send out in advance
  • Call emergency meetings / Trial Board as required
  • Determine the league schedule, registration period, open plays
  • Coordinate with the various state and local agencies as required
  • Vote for the League at the annual ISSA meetings or delegate this responsibility to another Board Member
  • Facilitate Draft with Team Captains
  • Send copy of insurance certificate and league schedule to Marion Park Board
  • Send in Facilities request form to Carbondale Park District with: copy of league schedule, letter requesting fields be lined, field fees, insurance certificate
  • Maintain record of all incidents and documentation
  • Cancel and reschedule games as necessary
  • Settle disputes between players/teams as necessary
Vice President:
  • Assume the duties of the President in his absence
  • Ascend to the office of President if for any reason that office is vacated prior to an election
  • Schedule the referees through a certified Referee Assignor based on the game schedule provided by the President Confirm referee schedule each week to ensure the right referees show up for the right games
  • Give referees game reports and pick-up after each game
  • Update league scores and send to Marketing Director weekly
  • Maintain original Game Reports for one season
  • Send out list of all referee notes prior to season
  • Make sure referees get paid by Treasurer before each game
  • Keep copies of game reports in case a Ref needs one
Recorder / Equipment Director:
  • Record the minutes of all meetings
  • File copies of all meetings in a secure location
  • Order equipment as necessary before each season
  • Order jerseys 2 weeks before start of each season
  • Maintenance and accountability of all league equipment
  • Turn on/off lights and open/close bathrooms for Marion Soccer complex for all games (maybe in conjunction with one other Board member)
  • Update league financial status before each Board meeting
  • Forecast league financial status at end of season
  • Set up and maintain the league bank account
  • Cut all checks for the SIASL (always have documentation)
  • Mid August send in money for League and Team Fees to the ISSA and request new Insurance Certificates for the next year
  • Ensure all player fees to the ISSA are paid out on time
  • Create new registration forms each season and ensure they are posted on our website
  • Set up and maintain the active membership roster; send updates once a week during registration to the Board and all Team Captains
  • Ensure all registrations are turned in with: all necessary forms, all forms are filled out, registration fee, copy of drivers license or birth certificates for new players only
  • Bring most updated roster to draft
  • Assign late registrants to teams
  • Transfer any monies received during registration to the Treasurer
  • By mid-September send in all ISSA forms to ISSA along with player registration fees. By mid-October send in all other registration forms and money that has come in late.
  • Repeat above in Spring season by mid-April and mid-May
  • Hold on to SIASL registration forms for one season then trash
Marketing Director:
  • Set up and maintain a league website
  • Update league scores once a week after receiving file from VP
  • Ensure new registration forms and schedule posted on website before each season. Update schedule immediately if notified by President.
  • Determine where best to advertise for the league: Newspapers, soccer fields, indoor soccer arenas, SIU, high schools, new ideas
  • Send out email to all current and prior players about the next season in late July and early February
Article III: Any serious, alleged misconduct brought to the attention of the Board by the Referees or any players or team will be reviewed by the Trial Board. The Trial Board will meet to determine the facts of the case and decide if any punishment is necessary as per Article VII. All decisions made by the Trial Board may be appealed to the full SIASL Board.
Article IV: The SIASL Board is responsible for hearing and judging all appeals made by any team and/or league member disciplined by the Trial Board. All appeals must be made within 48 hours of notification of disciplinary action by the Trial Board and will be decided within 7 calendar days of the appeal notification. All decisions made by the Board may be further appealed to the ISSA per Rule 3, Section 2 of their Constitution and By-Laws.
Article V: Meetings:

Meetings will be held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at a location to be determined by the President. The President will determine whether or not a meeting is required each month, then contact all the Board Members.

A quorum shall consist of over 50% of the Board of Directors.

A majority vote of the Board Members present shall decide all matters brought to a vote, except for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws as specified below.

Guests may attend and/or speak at Board meetings with the permission of any Board member.

Article VI: All amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least 60 days prior to any vote on the change. The Board of Directors must discuss any amendment at least 30 days prior to a vote. All amendments must be consistent with the rules regulations of the ISSA, USASA, USSF and FIFA and must pass by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Article VII: The SIASL shall have the full power and authority to:
  • To enforce the laws of the game as well as its own rules and regulations
  • To suspend a player, team, team follower, or official for a given period of time for any misconduct or acts detrimental to soccer
  • To settle all disputes between teams